Blob Storage
Blob storage is used to store unstructured data (like files, videos, audio etc.) There three types of resources in blob storage:
– Storage account - Unique namespace across Azure. Can be accessed over HTTP or HTTPS.
– Container in the storage account - 'Folders' in the storage account
– Blob in a container - Stores data. Three types of blobs - Block, Append and Page blobs.
A storage account has globally unique endpoints.
Blob storage
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Azure Files
Queue storage
Table storage
There are also multiple ways to control access to a storage account, including Entra ID credentials, share key, and shared access signatures. By default, anonymous access is not allowed for storage accounts. If 'Allow Blob public access' is allowed on the storage account, it is possible to configure anonymous/public read access to Only the blobs inside containers (listing of container content is not allowed) or contents of container and blobs.
Storage explorer is a standalone desktop app to work with Azure storage accounts. It is possible to connect using access keys, SAS urls etc.
Access found containers
will be an URL, for example
Locate blob name
Look for the blob name potentially between the <Name> tag. Add this name to the URL, for example:
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