
Sliver is a framework to perform advanced red team operations. The Sliver client and servers are cross- platforms supporting Windows, Linux, and OSX. Sliver is a go-based binary for the implants, clients, and servers. The server can be connected from within or from the client. Suppose using an "all-in-one" deployment where the script is used to install Sliver, then the following commands would be available: • sliver-server: This controls the server. • sliver: The client that connects to the server. You can run the Sliver client on the server itself or your remote computer and connect via a secured tunnel connection. Using the build in Linux Installation script, Sliver will run in "multiplayer mode." All users on the box on a standard Linux system will be granted access to multiplayer mode. If you wish to run it on your computer locally, the clients will connect to the server over WireGuard and will have to have usernames created. Sliver’s implants support multiple protocols, with some fallback mechanisms available. HTTP, HTTPS, mTLS, DNS, and WireGuard are supported implant protocols. While Silver is still being developed, you may find supportability for every protocol to break occasionally. New functionality greatly enhances these tools. We will not be using all of the Sliver components as many of them such as COFFs will mostly be geared to Windows. There is however plenty of features that we will use.

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