Pass The PRT
PRT is a special refresh token used for single sign-on (SSO).
– It can be used to obtain access and refresh tokens to any application.
– Issued to a user for a specific device
– Valid for 90 days and is continuously renewed
– CloudAP SSP requests and caches PRT on a device
– If PRT is MFA-based (Windows Hello or Windows Account manager), then the claim is transferred to app tokens to prevent MFA challenge for every application.
– Before a fix in August 2021, PRT always had MFA claims.
Once we have the PRT cookie, copy the value from previous command and use it with Chrome web browser
Go to
Press F12 (Chrome dev tools) -> Application -> Cookies
Clear all cookies and then add one named x-ms-RefreshTokenCredential
for and set its value to that retrieved from AADInternals
Mark HTTPOnly and Secure for the cookie
Last updated