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APIs meant for consumer use are meant to be easily discovered. Typically, the API provider will market their API to developers who want to be consumers. So, it will often be very easy to find APIs, just by using a web application as an end-user. The goal here is to find APIs to attack and this can be accomplished by discovering the API itself or the API documentation. If you can find the target's API and documentation as an end-user then mission accomplished, you have successfully discovered an API.
Another way to find an API provided by a target is to look around the target's landing page. Look through a landing page for links to API or development portal. When searching for APIs there are several signs that will indicate that you have discovered the existence of a web API. Be on the lookout for obvious URL naming schemes:
Look for API indicators within directory names like: /api, /api/v1, /v1, /v2, /v3, /rest, /swagger, /swagger.json, /doc, /docs, /graphql, /graphiql, /altair, /playground
Also, subdomains can also be indicators of web APIs:
Another indicator of web APIs is the HTTP request and response headers. The use of JSON or XML can be a good indicator that you have discovered an API.
HTTP Request and Response Headers containing "Content-Type: application/json, application/xml"
Also, watch for HTTP Responses that include statements like: {"message": "Missing Authorization token"}
One of the most obvious indicators of an API would be through information gathered using third-Party Sources like Github and API directories.
When searching for a target's APIs use a target's web application as it was designed. Use a browser go to the web application and see if an API is advertised. Once you have an idea of how the web app functions, dig deeper by deploying passive and active reconnaissance techniques.
Postman Explore:
ProgrammableWeb API Directory:
APIs Guru:
Public APIs Github Project:
RapidAPI Hub: